They can move, rotate and Translate too and can make dexterous coordinated movements
The only difference is that they do not have human feelings(Which is infact better for human being)
Robots are going to change the way we live.But this will raise many philosophical, social, and political questions that will have to be answered. And hence i take a step to run my wild imagination and take a look into future and the robotics impact on us.
Personal Impact :
At Home:
Use of Peronsal Robots is going to revolutionalize 21st century. Just like, we have seen that Personal Computers (What we call as PC, changed the face of 20th Century totally and have revolutionalized everything ), Just like that Personal Robots ( We can call it as PR), will become increasingly famous in 21st century and will have big impact.By 2020, every home will have a personal robot, it will prove to be trustworthy companion. It's endurace, Accuaracy at work and wide variety of skills, will make human being more dependent on them than any other human being.Personal Robots will touch every part of our personal life and take burden off from lot of things , than human being have to perform. For example, They will take care of maintaining house (including cooking, cleaning, washing etc. No need of Maid), looking for saftey and comfort of house and family etc.So a robot could make a tremendous difference in someone’s everyday life.
As robot's will take most of the burden off, people will have enough time, which they will spend meeting each other and spending and enjoying with each other. They will even have time for blogging, chatting and surfing through internet. Definitely personal life is going to be better with Robots.
By this time, we will even develope a robot, which can communicate, interact and chat with human being and in true sense they will become a friend. People will start using phrses like " A robot in need, is the friend Indeed".
At Workplace:
Robots have been used in manufacturing and food processing. Robots are also at work in the military, homeland security , space exploration , medical and surgery arenas.
A. Jobs which require speed, accuracy, reliability or endurance can be performed far better by a robot than a human. Hence many jobs in factories which were traditionally performed by people, and require speed, accuracy, reliability and endurance, have been robotized.
B.There are many jobs which a human could perform better than a robot but for one reason or another the human either does not want to do it or cannot be present to do the job. The job may be too boring to bother with, for example domestic cleaning; or be too dangerous, for example exploring inside a volcano. These jobs are known as the "dull, dirty, and dangerous" jobs. Other jobs are physically inaccessible. For example, exploring another planet,cleaning the inside of a long pipe or performing laparoscopic surgery.Robots can take these jobs easily.
Thus at workplace also, we will find it true friend as it will take burden off from human shoulders of doing troublesome and unwanted jobs.
Social Impact:
"Robot will take Human Jobs" - and it will lead to unemployment. This has been remained the greatest worry of all sociologist uptill now.But it depends upon us, to keep robot's use upto certain limt. Rules can be made so that Human jobs are not taken by robots and their use will be made to take burden off from human shoulders and for help only.
Use of Robots at risky workplace (Like militry, mines) will minimize risk to human life.
Since Robots will be working as aid, we can keep important orgainizatios open by 24 X 7. We can have Banks, Hospitals, Hotels and Transportation facility available by 24 X 7, and mostly dependent on Robots.This will make a dramatic change in our social life.
Economical Impact :
Use of Robot's in industries and organization will lead to more accuracy at work. Their endurance and intelligience at work, will lead to more efficiency and finally profitability of organization.
For any industry, organization, there will be no lack of skilled workers, as Robots will be available easily.
Also read more on robots :
Types of Robots
Robotics : Current Research
Robots : Pictures
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